Importing data from a CSV file
What is a CSV file?
A CSV file is a file with data in the text format. Each line is one data item. Fields inside each line are separated with a comma or, which is more often, with a semicolon.
CSV files are widely used for exchanging information between software products from different developers. For example, it is really convenient to edit a CSV file in MS Excel.
Why is the import feature useful?
The import feature is necessary for you to be able to start using SecureSafe Pro Password Manager without entering all data anew. If you have a list of passwords in the CSV format (you can easily make it using MS Excel), you can add all of them to SecureSafe Pro Password Manager without typing a single word on your keyboard.
Passwords import
To import passwords from a CSV file, you should select the File | Export and Import| Import from CSV menu item. It will open the Import wizard.
Note: the Import wizard is used for importing passwords only. You cannot import credit card records or files with it.
So, run the wizard and click Next.
Page 1 – Select file
Select the data source. Use Windows Clipboard to take the data from the clipboard, use File to take data from a file. Click Browse to select the file.
If the first line of the file or of the clipboard contains the list of column names, select the corresponding check box. If each field is in quotes, select the “Values surrounded by quotes” check box. Specify the character separating the data.
Click Next.
Page 2 – Select fields
Match password fields with the fields in the CSV file. If there is a field in the file, select the corresponding check box.
After you match the fields, click Next.
Page 3 – Select Values to Import
The Import wizard will pre-load and arrange the data in lines. Select the passwords you want to import and click Next.
Page 4 – Select Folder to Import to
Select the folder where you want to place the imported items. If the necessary folder is not in the combo box, select the Browse item to look through all the folders of the program.
Click Next.
If everything is alright, the data will be imported into the program. Click Finish to finish importing.